This article, Phrases narcissists use hit home with me. Having gone through all three stages and with each stage having many of these things said to me. It is not a good feeling. I hope no one I know ever has to go through what I went through in dealing with a narcissist.
Here's a quick run through.
Idealization Stage:
- You're my soul mate
- I've never met anyone like you before or You've never met anyone like me before
- You're so kind, creative, smart, and handsome
- You're crazy!
- You're too sensitive!
- No wonder nobody else likes you
The explanation of why they are devaluing you:
- My husband cheated on me
- I don't do it on purpose or It's not intentional
Devalue what I loved to do or my interests and who I talk to
- You like that? It's dumb!
- I can't believe you enjoy doing that
- Don't talk to your friends about me
Discard Stage:
- No one likes you!
- Nobody else will love you
- I'm the best you'll ever have
- Have fun being alone for the rest of your life
- You did this to yourself